On Wed, January 16, 2008 12:54 am, Stefan Priebsch wrote:
> Richard Lynch schrieb:
>> If a web service really doesn't care whether it is responding to GET
>> or POST or even forged COOKIES to product its output, why would it
>> not
>> just use REQUEST?
>> It's not as if it's any harder to forge GET vs. POST vs. COOKIE
>> data,
>> really.
> You can easily have sombeody inadvertedly send a malicious GET request
> just by embedding an image link into a page.

Or they could just use wget and DOS me.

Allowing POST or GET for an (idempotent) operation and using $_REQUEST
still seems like it's not gonna hurt anything...

I consider GET/POST/COOKIE equally dangerous/suspicious/spoofable/etc,
so whatever security methods I am employing for GPC data should be
sufficient for any GPC data, regardless of source.

And, yeah, if somebody wants to cram a value into a COOKIE instead of
using a link, the service would respond to it.

What increased risk is there from responding to a forged cookie
instead of a forged GET or POST data request?

What am I missing?

How is a forged COOKIE any more/less dangerous than a forged GET/POST?

This harkens back to pre-CSS days when one Designer client wanted
buttons and one Designer client wanted links.

I didn't really care what their UI looked like, so used $_REQUEST, and
told them both to have at it.

These days, I'd probably just use GET and tell them to use CSS to make
their links look like buttons...

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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