On Wed, January 16, 2008 2:17 pm, Stefan Esser wrote:
> It would have been a good idea to have such a configuration option
> that
> allows to specify what is in _REQUEST and what not...

Perhaps it would be wise to add yet another php.ini setting?
[Yeah, I know the usual response to that.  Just think about it, okay?]

Or, perhaps, consider dropping COOKIE from _REQUEST?...

I know I never quite understood why COOKIE was put into there in the
first place, from a pragmatic stand-point...

Sure, it's data coming to the HTTP request from the outside, but I've
never really found it useful to have it in there.

Does anybody have any real-world use for COOKIE data in _REQUEST?

I have, obviously, found it useful for a web service (idempotent) to
not really care if the data came from POST or GET in the bad old days
of no CSS re-styling links/buttons.

I think using $_REQUEST for a non-idempotent operation would be sheer
follow, personally, since you're just ASKING search engines to wreak
havoc on your site...

I'm not sure how/where that would be best explained to the masses on
php.net, or even if it would be appropriate to do so, but perhaps it

Providing $_REQUEST without explaining what a legitimate usage is, and
what a dangerous usage is, seems like a "Bad Idea" (tm).

Perhaps something like:

"$_REQUEST should be used only to allow using POST data in addition to
GET data, never the other way around.

Using $_REQUEST for operations non-idempotent operations (link to RFC)
will cause search engines to carry out data-changing operations on
your site."

I'm sure the Doc guys could write this better, but it's a start...

@Stefan Esser: Are you subscribed to php-internals@ or were you
dragged into this by an off-list Cc:?  (I.e., should I keep Cc:-ing

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