Hello Edward,

Sunday, March 16, 2008, 11:25:34 PM, you wrote:

> Here is a patch that appears to fix the Windows build:
> http://www.thewritingpot.com/patches/php-re2c-windows.patch
> I made re2c required; if pre-generated files are supplied, however, we
> might be able to get away without it.

I think we need to have the windows build maintainers decide how they would
like to handle this. One thing we haven't decided on is how to deal with
checkin of re2c generated files. In fact we need them to be done without -g
flag. So when someone commots who has -g detection on, he must regenerate
the file without that. Another option is to always generate both versions
and then select the correc one form the build system.

> I also had to download re2c binaries from
> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=96864 and put them
> in my path. Whoever's maintaining zip.zip will want to update it.

> It appears Visual C++ 2005 Express does not support gotos to variable
> labels (it does support vanilla gotos out of the box, however). So I
> didn't bother porting the goto check code. Someone might want to do that
> later if we start supporting other compilers.

> Zend-related source files appear to have compiled successfully; re2c
> didn't give any output and exited with error code 0 (I assume it worked).

Sounds right. Re2c does not output anything besides the generated files,
when successfull.

Best regards,

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