On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 8:30 PM, Tex Texin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The first thing we did was look at the coding standard.

OK. Well done then.
I guess I was just very unlucky picking locale/locale_methods.c to view then.

>  Stas explained the reason we chose the naming we did.

Which is great. But you don't think it would have been better to
decide this collaboratively in the open rather then on your enterprise
8-16 mailinglists? If it had been we wouldn't be having this
discussion now.

(btw; why are you replying to these mails today? I find it very odd,
but you definitely deserve a cookie for it! :D)

>  Having to work on other tasks is not abandonment. It reflects that we also 
> have other reponsibilities.

And you replying on a Sunday, easter even, is awesome.
But it is still scary thought you won't be actively around to follow
bug reports or feature requests or whatever.
As you know very few (if any) on this list have any clue on what you
guys have been discussing or working on in your offlist talks.

>  Can you be specific about which requests you think should still be made? So 
> far the open item is the naming convention. Is that it?

Is this a reply to
>  >  The manual documentation was announced by Stas for review to this list as 
> well on Dec 4.
>  And the changes requested by us still haven't been made.

If so, the DateFormatter documentation is one thing. File naming
convention is another...

Ouh, and btw: Please don't top-post again. That request is stated very
clearly in our mailinglist rules.


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