-----Original Message-----
From: Derick Rethans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 9:49 AM
To: Tex Texin
Cc: Marcus Boerger; Pierre Joye; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; PHP Developers Mailing List
Subject: RE: [PHP-DEV] Re: [php-icu] Graphemes and unicode vs intl extension

On Sun, 23 Mar 2008, Tex Texin wrote:

> Pierre, Marcus, et al.
> 1) The project started a year or so ago. A few of us from different 
> companies had a strong need to see that PHP had international 
> collation, formats, normalization, grapheme support, and other 
> functions in a time frame nearer than php 6. The resulting intl 
> extension has been out for a while, first with collation, then with 
> some formatters. Stas made announces to the php-i18n list at least as 
> early as July 17 (possibly earlier). The specs were posted to php-i18n 
> and there has been discussion on the list over time.
> The manual documentation was announced by Stas for review to this list 
> as well on Dec 4.
> So there has been opportunity for input on the specs and the project 
> is above board. No one is "deciding anything about PHP". There have 
> been 300 downloads since Dec. so some people know about it. There have 
> not been many requests for changes.

I think the major problem is that because discussions about it happen off-list, 
there is not much exposure on what you're doing and thus little feedback. 
That's the whole problems with splitting off to a different list for something 
that you're targetting to include in the core. So I don't think it's that 
strange that there is now a large group of people being not-so-happy about what 
you're trying to do here.

I understand the concern, but it is really a quite theoretical concern. 
The intl extension is a PHP wrapper around ICU API. The code layer is very thin.

Most of the off-list discussions were about things like how do we return errors 
to PHP, (what is the coding standard for this, not designing a new approach to 
returning errors) and bugs with different ports and status reporting on who is 
doing what. As we are volunteers, we needed to check if we were actually making 
progress or were people busy with other (unrelated) tasks, and should we 
rejigger the tasking. Some of the discussion was about how to make the manual 

There were only a few places where we discussed offering a more php-like syntax 
compared to ICU API. Taking advantage of arrays for example.
Even there, the layer is very thin.
The locales API is one of the few places where we wrote some code to simplify 
parsing and composing locale identifiers for PHP users.

Because we wanted to meet the 5.3 release dates, and because the development 
proved more difficult than we orginally estimated, we scaled back on delivering 
some of the API originally proposed. Support for date objects was one of the 
items that was left out of the original plans for this release. The reason was 
workload and timing. It was desired, but we couldn't resource it.

The project was scoped to fit into the 5.3 time frame and the goal was to just 
fix limitations of PHP internationalization, not to try to do everything in PHP 
5, so we had a minimalistic approach.

So I understand the worry, but the conjecture that there were a lot of choices 
and design decisions that the list should have been privy too, is just fantasy. 
And like the search for Weapons of Mass Destruction, there is nothing hazardous 
to find.

So what you see is mostly a fairly obvious mapping of ICU to PHP. We posted the 
API to this list last year and the changes have been few.
Some functions were withdrawn, some minor tweaks.

If there is an issue with the extension it should be transparent by looking at 
the API and determining whether it meets PHP users' needs. What we did is a 
reflection of what ICU offers. In some cases we considered enhancing or 
compensating for ICU deficiencies and we generally didn't so there wouldn't be 
conflicts with future versions of either ICU or PHP 6.

I hope that helps. I don't think I can say any more that would be convincing. 
If people want to believe we are a secret cabal out to undermine PHP, than ok. 
I don't think there is anything we need to apologize for. Whatever the worries, 
you can read the manual, and see the code. If you see evidence of something 
deleterious to PHP please point it out using the bug system.

I don't think I can take the time to continue to say the off-list discussions 
were insignificant to this list.
The doc and the code speaks for what we did. I would be glad to discuss the 
code and the doc.


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