
Nope. But sometimes we are in a scope where it is always the same thing we
call. Or at leats a one of the three things are constant. And any of them
being constant would help.

Well, object can't be constant, so only thing constant can be method name. We have it in opcode. Everything else depends on object, and since we don't know the object in compile time we couldn't put more in opcode. We could cache some things in runtime - though not inside opcodes.

having only one handler table per class would make objects less flexible.

How so? Tell me any case where that is different right now?

Now handler table is per-object.

Right now every member of a class tree (each class derived from a specific
base class) has the same handler table. And that cannot be changed becasue
each of the class members have the same creation/destruction c functions.

These C functions can have if()s which may produce different kinds of objects.
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
s...@zend.com   http://www.zend.com/
(408)253-8829   MSN: s...@zend.com

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