On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 20:02, Steph Fox <st...@php.net> wrote:
> In the last two upgrading guides, we've repeated much of what is already in
> the NEWS file or in the release notes. This makes me wonder what the point
> is of having an upgrading guide...?

Think about the online manual. In 2 years from now people should still
be able to read the upgrading guide and it should still make sense
without needing to hunt down random release announcements or outdated
NEWS files.

The upgrade which gets committed to php-src will be taken, word by
word, and ported to Docbook and made available at
http://php.net/migration53 (just like /migration52 and

> Is this entirely necessary? (I can see a case for listing new classes in the
> global namespace.)

Unless you want duplicated work, one file to php-src and one for the docs, yes.

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