Then I guess I need to read the archives.
I can't imagine why a system admin would give a damn about new
language features, object model, reference changes, pdo, new error
levels or how to check if a class inherits another class.

They'd need to know that there had been major changes in the language and they couldn't just upgrade willy-nilly without warning the affected developers about changes that could break existing code, which the file addresses. They'd need to know too that (for example) 8 core extensions are no longer in the core, and that some new ones are. They might need to know about error reporting level changes, depending on the setup. They'd need to know about new core .ini directives and those affecting new extensions in the core. They'd probably want to know about streams changes (any).

Maybe listing every single new constant is a bit excessive, but we do
at the very very very least need to link to the page that lists them

That's not a problem. Lead me to your docs :)

- Steph

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