Christopher Jones wrote:
> Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:
>> On 07.10.2009, at 08:09, Matteo Beccati wrote:
>>> Christopher Jones ha scritto:
>>>> Could you use the new PG specific attribute to enable them
>>>> but make them output/handled by the existing error/exception
>>>> interface?
>>> That's what I originally thought. But there can be multiple notices
>>> triggered by a single query and they shouldn't make the query fail (i.e.
>>> throwing an exception would be awkward for a successful query).
>> MySQL has similar notices. Like when stuff gets truncated etc.
>> I also think that using the current "error modes" is probably not
>> ideal. Or rather these arent exception worthy, and they should
>> obviously not return false either.
> Is there a common interface that would suit both MySQL & Postgres usage?

>From the user perspective I'd say yes. We can surely make generic
attributes and methods to deal with warnings/notices/dbms_output.

>From what I could see, things get a bit more complicate on the code side:

1. Set a notice processor callback
2. Clear the notice buffer before a query
3. Asynchronously buffer notices inside the callback
4. Set a no-op processor callback

1. Call mysql_warning_count() after a succesful query
2. if the result is non-zero, execute "SHOW WARNINGS" and fetch the results

1. Enable output buffering
2. Fetch the buffer after a successful query
3. Clear the buffer
4. Disable output buffering

Adding generic hooks/functions will also require a PDO API version bump.

Matteo Beccati

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