
On Wed, 2009-10-07 at 15:55 +0200, Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:
> yeah .. its certainly a valid question.
> we have stuff like lastInsertId(), which depending on the driver  
> either gets the current value of a sequence or the last id generated  
> for the connection.
> so going by that example unifying things under a common API makes  
> sense if that means that it makes writing portable code easier.

For that we shouldn't do just random small changes but take a look at
the whole picture (PDO2?)

Most of the things need new hooks or change PDO APIs in a breaking way
so they can't be done in 5.3, so maybe the time till 6.0 can be used to
really identify and collect the issues and then either refactor or
recreate it depending on the results.

There was a group once working on these things which ended in
political/legal/... discussions maybe the effort can be revived now, two
years later.

What I see is that many people would like having a proper abstraction
layer (what ever is to be abstracted) and PDO has too many rough edges.


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