
I was only loosely following the discussion about this topic, so please flame me if I got this wrong;)

I tend use the array-alternative alot which fits my purposes nicely except for default-values. If named-parameters are introduced in this proposed way, I don't see any advantages other than that it's official syntax.

As I understood it wouldn't be more efficient, since it would actually be just like an optional array parameter, automatically added. Also if I have to use func_get_args to access those values, and they will be mixed with the non optional args I don't think I'd actually adopt this new syntax.

As I am using it now:
function foo($x,$y,$options=array()){
    if ( !isset($options['opt1']) ) $options['opt1'] = 'foo';
    if ( !isset($options['opt2']) ) $options['opt2'] = 'bar';
    /* 1 */


Proposed new syntax of this case:

function foo($x,$y){
    $options = func_get_args();
    if ( !isset($options['opt1']) ) $options['opt1'] = 'foo';
    if ( !isset($options['opt2']) ) $options['opt2'] = 'bar';
    /* 1 */


This does not provide anything new to me as a programmer and even introduces a non-selfdocumenting behaviour ($options is not in the function-header) so the user has to *know* about the possibility of passing any options.

What would really assist me in a self-documenting manner would be the possibility to specify default values for those options in the function header, which could also act as a filter.

something like:

function foo($x,$y,$options=(
    /* 1 */

foo(1,2,'opt1'=>'no-foo','opt3'=>'unspecified-option'); //opt3 will not be within $options.

This would provide me with something which implicitly handles default-values, defines which options can be passed and filters out options which are not allowed. $options could be an array or a stdObject.

Personally I'd prefer a wrapping of any given optional parameters like:

This would even allow for multiple optional-parameter-lists.


The advantage of such a mechanism shows wehn the second list is passed on to a second function.

function foo($x,y,$options=(
    /* 1 */

function bar($options=(
    /* 2 */

Although I have to admit that the filtering would hamper the extendability becaues foo() would filter out valid options for bar(). This could be mitigated by introducing the ... syntax. (ex. $more=...)

No offense. Just my (probably naive) thinking while reading this thread.


PS: Also, what do you guys think of an additional (optional) possibility:

function myFunc($a, $b, ...$options) // sort of like Java

and this way $options can be filled, so people don't have to keep using func_get_args to get all the arguments.

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