Hi Richard,

Again what I commented on other thread and again you barely see what I
mentioned, the feature is ALREADY written in C and compatible with
latest PHP trunk.
I'm not bitching against do and don't dos... I'm bitching about
ignored feature that are not even discussed.

I agree with you, it's an Open Source project and any help from any
front is valuable.
But as I pointed out on other thread, only developers with php-src
karma had features evaluated.
If you think I'm wrong, please re-read the entire thread of
Annotations and then get back to me with a single message on thread
where actually had a discussion with some mature content instead of
personal feelings.


On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 1:13 PM, Richard Quadling <rquadl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 9 May 2011 15:44, guilhermebla...@gmail.com
> <guilhermebla...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It seems to me that you are not interested on user's request and
>> rather accept/implement only what the features that interest you. It's
>> very bad for the language and very bad for all of users.
> But surely it is a motivational factor to learn C, and have a go at
> implementing the feature yourself! That's what Open Source is all
> about. If you don't like the feature, or it is missing one, _DO_
> something about it. Saying that the developers are "not interested"
> isn't really doing anything.
> You really can't expect volunteers to simply down tools from family,
> life, paid work to jump through hoops, attempting to make sense of
> every user's request. No matter how loud they shout.
> Now. If you had a pot (and a big pot) of money, then maybe you could
> sponsor some developers for your pet peeve. I'll take your money.
> As a volunteer to the PHP project (mainly making an arse of myself in
> as many places as possible) and a PHP user, I am deeply indebted to
> all the work undertaken by the core devs. I get paid because of them.
> Please treat the devs nicely is all I'm really saying.
> Richard.
> --
> Richard Quadling
> Twitter : EE : Zend
> @RQuadling : e-e.com/M_248814.html : bit.ly/9O8vFY
> --
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Guilherme Blanco
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