On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 10:06 PM, Hannes Magnusson
<hannes.magnus...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hang on.. wait what?
> So Pierres weird threats on IRC weren't silly jokes?
> Heck, we could apt-get install bugzilla on a random mirror if you just
> want some bug tracker database to ignore and "have something".

Hannes, with all respects to your work, such comments are not welcome
in this list.

As I told you, it is not me, but the release managers who decide when
a release can be done. And despite our efforts to get the situation
around bugs.php.net sorted out, nothing, absolutely nothing happened
in two weeks. We bring it back and we will restore the existing data
as soon as we have the backups. See my other mail for the details.


@pierrejoye | http://blog.thepimp.net | http://www.libgd.org

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