On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 1:04 PM, Ferenc Kovacs <tyr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> this could still cause problems, as pointed out before (when you
> change your handler, or when you pass serialized data between
> different php installs, etc.), so I really like what Kiall Mac Innes
> suggested: prefix the data with the serializer identifier.
> if it is missing,  then it was serialized with the old method, if it
> is present, the appropriate method should be used, if the serializer
> ident is there but unknown, then exit with a fatal error telling the
> user that the custom handler is missing.

This came up when we discussing changing the default session
serialization format a while ago. A prefix is a nice idea but care
would have to be taken not to collide with any of the bytes which are
valid for the current format to start with.

Might be more of a curiosity than anything useful, but IIRC
unserialize() currently ignores everything after the end of the data.

> the downside would be that if you want to serialize/unserialize the
> data outside of php, your implementation should take care of this
> prefix.
> just a wild idea, but maybe useful:
> instead of creating a prefix, we could serialize the passed data with
> the given(php, igbinary, etc.) handler, then wrap the whole stuff into
> an array which holds the name of the used handler and the serialized
> data, and serialize this array with the old(php) serialize method.
> this way the datablob would be always a valid serialized string, and
> would be easier to get the serialize method than with the prefixing.

If my old app couldn't read some newly serialized string, I'd rather
it failed hard than apparently succeed but have the wrong data.



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