Am 02.09.2011 22:17, schrieb Lester Caine:
Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
I was actually going to suggest doing this in 5.4 and trunk but didn't
get around to writing the email yet.

It would still be nice to be able to simply switch off MySQL for those
of us who do not have it installed ...
It gets annoying when PHP forces the installation of MySQL in a
distribution and then prevents disabling it. It is another example of
why a more modular approach does make sense!


do I understand that you are afraid of a PHP which comes with MySQL support that cannot be disabled?

I don't think the proposal goes like that. The proposal is to change the default library, if not set during compile, used by the MySQL extensions, if enabled, from libmysql to mysqlnd. This is independent of the questions:

 - if any MySQL extension shall be enabled by default
 - if PHP can be built without MySQL support

And, I said it in the other email, this is no attempt to remove libmysql support.

I may be wrong but your concern - as valid as it is - seems a bit off topic, no?


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