Am 03.09.2011 03:08, schrieb Stas Malyshev:
> Hi!
> On 9/2/11 6:02 PM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
>> Well, we are not trying to get to 0 failed tests in all permutations of
>> all extensions on all platforms. We are trying to get to 0 failed tests
>> on a common-case build using defaults and common extensions. Given that,
>> changing a default has an impact on the 0-failed-tests goal.
> libmysql *is* the common case build and the one most people would be running 
> in production

but WHY is this so and are we not talking about the future here?

because it is the default
because there are two code-paths supported

why not remove libmysql-support completly?
is mysqlmd missing anything?
if yes - it should be improved

the benefits are:
* ONE codebase of mysql-drivers
* ONE codebase autotests rely on
* no install-dependencies for mysql-client
* faster
* less memory usage

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