
On 9/2/11 2:51 PM, Ulf Wendel wrote:
if you are really concerned about tests, aren't you a bit late, are all
the 5.3 releases to be considered instable. I mean, they use the same

The fact that 5.3 had so many failing tests is nothing good, but we can't fix the past. We can try to make it not happen in the future - namely, in 5.4.

tests. Andrey may know better, but I even assume mysqlnd to be very,
very similar in 5.3 and 5.4. How strong is your argument, how many
critical differences are you aware of that prevent a config.m4 change?

None of these issues prevent the default change, the default change is a completely separate issue. I just think introducing another issue to deal with - and literally days before the release, without any serious discussion - is wrong. We were burned so many times on this, and there's absolutely no reason to rush with it.

This is absolutely different and unrelated issue to the issue of unit tests, except for the fact that I do this there's a reason to rush with that and I want our energies rather be spent on that.

With all given respect, I think you are going a bit far here. You seem
to be extrapolating from "test x does not work in configuration y" to "z
is instable/incompatible with y".

Oh no, I didn't make any claims about mysqlnd being unstable, if I said something that can be understood that I have misspoken and that's not what I meant to say. I'm just trying to avoid late-minute changes without enough consideration.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
SugarCRM: http://www.sugarcrm.com/
(408)454-6900 ext. 227

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