On Fri, February 24, 2012 6:14 pm, Kris Craig wrote:
> No, it happens and it's even clearly documented in APXS.
> Basically, if you specify the "-a" option in APXS, it overwrites your
> httpd.conf (or apache.conf or whatever it is on your system) and adds
> the
> LoadModule line to it.  In PHP's configure script, you'll notice that
> "-a"
> is always specified; there's no option to use APXS without it.  As a
> result, "make install" will always overwrite your LoadModule entry in
> httpd.conf if APXS is enabled.  The problem occurs when you have
> LoadModule
> in an included .conf file already; APXS does not have the ability to
> detect
> that.  Therefore, a "duplicate" LoadModule entry is added to
> httpd.conf by
> APXS, and thus the clash occurs.  This behavior has been reproduced
> numerous times.
> I think the RFC is pretty clear on how this works.  Nobody else has
> expressed confusion thus far.  I could clarify further but I'm not
> sure
> how; it's pretty straight-forward, really.  I'm not sure what may have
> been
> happening in your case or if perhaps you misunderstood what this RFC
> is
> about.  Either way, I would recommend you create a fresh Linux-based
> build
> environment, build Apache 2.2 and PHP 5.3.10 yourself (i.e. stay away
> from
> yum/apt-get), then attempt to generate an APXS-enabled Makefile using
> PHP's
> configure script that does not activate APXS with the "-a" option.  It
> might also be a good idea for you to check-out the APXS documentation
> (I
> included a link to it on the RFC).
> Those steps should enable you to reproduce this.  =)

Once upon a time, a lonnnnnng time ago, I read through the configure /
make process, and I *thought* there was logic there to try to detect
if your httpd.conf diverged significantly from the default, and, if
so, it would choose NOT to add the LoadModule line, assuming you were
a power user who had it somewhere else...

I could be mis-remembering. This logic could have been removed. I
could be hallucinating.  The logic I saw could have been doing
something entirely difference, as I have only a vague notion of how
configure/make works in the first place.  It could have been some
other project.

Or this could account for your different experiences, based on whether
you "hacked" httpd.conf "enough" or started with a fresh out of the
box one and didn't touch it until after installing PHP.


brain cancer update:

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