I've got a CentOS 5.7 VM running at work and the PHP package returned by
yum is 5.1.6.  Don't have my Ubuntu box with me at the moment but I'm
pretty sure it's 5.1.x as well.

You probably have rpmforge or CentALT enabled and that's where it's pulling
the newer build.  But even then, the latest one you'll get is 5.2.17.  I'm
not aware of any widely available repos that have 5.3.x.


On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 2:11 PM, Ferenc Kovacs <tyr...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> @Lester Generally, this is a problem that surfaces in manual PHP builds.
>> You're correct in that the packaged repos tend to handle all that stuff
>> for
>> you anyway.  However, these repos are rarely updated (I think CentOS and
>> Ubuntu are both still stuck on 5.1), so it's often necessary to build PHP
>> manually if you want to take advantage of the latest features.  In these
>> cases, being able to isolate the PHP configuration tends to make the most
>> sense, hence why this new option switch is necessary IMHO.
> AFAIR centos 5.7 provides php 5.2.1
> (centos 4 has only Maintenance updates, for 2 more days)
> the oldest ubuntu (8,04 lts) also have 5.2.4
> so I think that the only distro with support that ships >=5.2 is rhel 4
> with the Extended life cycle.
> but usually there are semi-official/community repos providing more
> up-to-date versions for each distribution.
> --
> Ferenc Kovács
> @Tyr43l - http://tyrael.hu

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