Hi Anthony,

I'm not sure about the idea to have a specific SPL for password hashing.
I like the idea to have a standard interface for that but maybe is
enough just a set of functions.
I see a valid argument to have a standard interface especially for the


2012/6/18 Anthony Ferrara <ircmax...@gmail.com>:
> Enrico
>> I like your idea to offer a wrapper of crypt() with a better API
>> (actually I used this approach in the ZF2 project:
>> https://github.com/zendframework/zf2/blob/master/library/Zend/Crypt/Password/Bcrypt.php).
> Yeah, crypt() is really nice, and offers a lot of good things out of
> the box. It's just the salt generation and error handling that are a
> pita...
>> I think we should also support the user's salt as option and generate
>> a random salt if not provided.
> Yeah, that could be good. The only part we'd need to be careful of is
> error checking the salt (correct length, correct format, etc). But in
> general I like the idea...
>> For the random generation I suggest to use as first option the
>> openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() that is considered more secure compared
>> with mcrypt_create_iv($size, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM).
> Well, the point wasn't to make a CS secure salt. We've already had
> discussions on that (it's not needed, and can harm the system to try
> to use CS salts). All salts need to be is unique (statistically unique
> is usually good enough). If people really want to use a CS salt, they
> should pass one in as the user-generated salt.  But I'd really like to
> voice my opposition to having this function default to CS secure salt
> generation...
>> I just wrote that changes here: https://gist.github.com/2949592
> Looks good to me otherwise.
> I expanded my original gist a bit to add in the ability to register
> your own algorithm:
> https://gist.github.com/2949382
> That way, existing projects that use things like PHPASS can register
> their own handler, and move towards this (let the fallback happen in
> password_validate instead of in user code).
> If we're going to go with this option (the series of functions), what
> do you think of putting them under spl:
> \SPL\password_create()
> \SPL\password_validate()
> \SPL\password_register_algo()
> \SPL\password_create_salt()
> Instead of doing it class based as was originally suggested?
> The reason for namespacing is that password_validate is used in the
> wild (not by many:
> http://www.koders.com/default.aspx?s=%22password_validate%28%22&search.x=0&search.y=0&la=PHP&li=*&scope=
> )
> Anthony

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