On 14 Jan 2013, at 11:37, Ben Ramsey <ram...@php.net> wrote:

> On 1/11/13 6:17 PM, Ben Ramsey wrote:
>> I've opened voting for the array_column() function RFC.
>> You can vote at https://wiki.php.net/rfc/array_column#voting
> I have updated the pull request by removing the array_pluck() alias. I favor 
> the array_column() alias, as it is more in keeping with other function names 
> like array_keys() and array_values(), which do not have verbs in them.
> If the RFC is accepted, I will submit a new pull request against the 5.5 
> branch and close the current pull request against the 5.3 branch. If I should 
> do that now, please let me know, and I'll go ahead and take care of it.

I've talked about the Facebook version of this when the key bit got added, but 
we have 2 other methods to go with it.

mpull() which does methods

ppull() which does properties

Not sure if these should be added separately? The property version is good for 
PDO when using FETCH_CLASS.

- S
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