On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 3:17 PM, Alan Knowles <a...@roojs.com> wrote:

> Holy crap, how did you sneak this through..

what do you mean by sneak? it was proposed and announced in the usual

> my apologies for deleting the = vote, but i could not work out how to
> revert it.

no problem, I've restored it, restoring an older version is done via
clicking the old version, clicking edit, and saving the page.

> But this is a core php feature, for anyone who does not use traits.... We
> use this quite a bit, it may not be for purists, but it has worked
> perfectly for years. This is getting a bit silly, change for change sake....

I've found this to be a huge wtf when you bump into, and already reported
by E_STRICT, so I was sold to the arguments made in the RFC.

Ferenc Kovács
@Tyr43l - http://tyrael.hu

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