Hi Zeev

2013/1/29 Zeev Suraski <z...@zend.com>:
> In parallel we’re in the process of prepping the source code for
> independent public consumption, which I hope we can be done with by the end
> of next week, hopefully sooner.

I'm sorry, but I don't see why we out of a sudden should consider
adding a Zend product to the core, over that we got already, yes I'm
pointing in APC's direction, although it is in PECL.

I'm not trying to bring in this skepticism here because I'm, a
previous APC dev, but mostly because I do not think this is the right
move. Why? Because we tried to push APC from PECL into the Core since
early 5.x, although I've only been around since just before 5.3a1, I
remember how we were all focused on putting APC into the Core rather
than a non php.net project (like XCache, eAccelerator, ...), where
many of the core developers have invested much time in promoting APC,
and tried to fix some of the issues it have had. Moving APC into the
core was against some people's PoV because they thought it would be
enabled by default, which it wouldn't be at all.

I am very strongly against this move if its approved (not the actual
RFC), but how an outside product suddenly deserves a spot in the core
over our own code, by that I mean folks that does not work for Zend,
but have contributed the code to php.net, I think that is highly


Kalle Sommer Nielsen

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