Hi Zeev,

Am 29.01.2013 um 15:21 schrieb Rasmus Lerdorf <ras...@lerdorf.com>:

> On 01/29/2013 06:13 AM, Nikita Popov wrote:
>> I'm not sure I fully understand this. The RFC claims that Optimizer+ is
>> already *now* fully compatible with PHP 5.5. And that it was also
>> compatible when PHP 5.4 was released. So they lack of a working and free
>> opcode cache clearly wasn't the issue. My guess is rather that the lack
>> of APC support (as in specifically APC and not just some opcode cache)
>> was an issue. Either because people didn't know about alternatives (APC
>> after all is the go-to opcode cache), didn't want to try them or had
>> software tightly integrated with APC (and in particular its user cache).


I personally find it quite cool, that Zend considers open sourcing its 
Optimizer+ product. I’m obviously just guessing, but I am halfway sure, that 
APC (and XCache etc.) have a lot to do with Zend being willing to do that move. 
In a sense that it helped making opcode caches a commodity. Maybe that’s a 
small solace for the countless hours that where spent on APC. To get more 
practical, I see the following steps going forward:

 1.) Zend releases a first open sourced version of Optimizer+ on PECL (or 
somewhere else)
 2.) We as a community can have a look at the code
 3.) We vote on the RFC
 3a.) Question a) Should Optimizer+ be included in core: yes/no
 3b.) Question b) If yes, may the inclusion delay 5.5 by X month: yes/no
 4.) The proposers make sure it works with ZTS as well (this obviously doesn’t 
exclude help from outside contributors)

@Zeev, out of interest, how much time does Zend plan to spend on maintaining 
Optimizer+ in the core for the foreseeable future?

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