It is approaching 2 1/2 years since the last release of PHP 5.2. 5.2 has been declared dead on more than one occasion around here. The dust has more or less settled since PHP 5.3 EOL was announced. The ONLY reason I still support 5.2 in my own userland software is because the 5.2 binaries are available on There are some things I'd like to do that are only available in the core in 5.3 and later but I won't do them until the binaries for 5.2 disappear from the website. I like to make sure I reach the widest possible, yet rationally supportable audience. As such, I figure that generally supporting whatever users can download from an official source is a good logical cutoff point.

Is the issue the 5.2 binaries haven't been retired due to 5.2 being compiled with VC6? VC10 and VC11 runtimes fixed a lot of the issues that the VC8 and VC9 runtimes had. I've dropped VC11 runtimes into the same directory as the PHP 5.5 binaries and they seem to work fine on hosts without VC11 on them. That is a huge improvement over the VC9 runtimes, which are a nightmare to work with from both a development and deployment perspective.

What I'm NOT saying is that the 5.2 binaries should come down right now. What I am saying is that the discussion and the plan formulated for their removal should take place if it hasn't already.

Thomas Hruska
CubicleSoft President

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