> > Currently the downloads page on http://php.net/ only lists the supported
> > versions(5.3, 5.4, 5.5) and I think that http://windows.php.net/ should
> be
> > synced with that, so the 5.2 links should be removed.
> > http://museum.php.net/ already has those binaries, so it would be still
> > available for those who are looking for that version, but without the
> > possible confusion that the 5.2 version is still supported on windows.
> > Pierre, what do you think?
> There is no link from windows.php.net web sites to 5.2. They only
> remain in the downloads section, if accessed directly.
yes, we are talking about the downloads page, which page is linked from
like every release annonuncement on the windows.php.net frontpage(we even
have 5.2 release announcements if you scroll down a bit).
I think we should remove the 5.2 section from the downloads page.

Ferenc Kovács
@Tyr43l - http://tyrael.hu

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