
On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 2:26 PM, Ferenc Kovacs <tyr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 10:38 AM, Thomas Hruska <thru...@cubiclesoft.com>wrote:
>> It is approaching 2 1/2 years since the last release of PHP 5.2.  5.2 has
>> been declared dead on more than one occasion around here.  The dust has
>> more or less settled since PHP 5.3 EOL was announced.  The ONLY reason I
>> still support 5.2 in my own userland software is because the 5.2 binaries
>> are available on windows.php.net.  There are some things I'd like to do
>> that are only available in the core in 5.3 and later but I won't do them
>> until the binaries for 5.2 disappear from the website. I like to make sure
>> I reach the widest possible, yet rationally supportable audience.  As such,
>> I figure that generally supporting whatever users can download from an
>> official source is a good logical cutoff point.
>> Is the issue the 5.2 binaries haven't been retired due to 5.2 being
>> compiled with VC6?  VC10 and VC11 runtimes fixed a lot of the issues that
>> the VC8 and VC9 runtimes had.  I've dropped VC11 runtimes into the same
>> directory as the PHP 5.5 binaries and they seem to work fine on hosts
>> without VC11 on them.  That is a huge improvement over the VC9 runtimes,
>> which are a nightmare to work with from both a development and deployment
>> perspective.
>> What I'm NOT saying is that the 5.2 binaries should come down right now.
>>  What I am saying is that the discussion and the plan formulated for their
>> removal should take place if it hasn't already.
> Currently the downloads page on http://php.net/ only lists the supported
> versions(5.3, 5.4, 5.5) and I think that http://windows.php.net/ should be
> synced with that, so the 5.2 links should be removed.
> http://museum.php.net/ already has those binaries, so it would be still
> available for those who are looking for that version, but without the
> possible confusion that the 5.2 version is still supported on windows.
> Pierre, what do you think?

There is no link from windows.php.net web sites to 5.2. They only
remain in the downloads section, if accessed directly.


@pierrejoye  | http://www.libgd.org

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