2013/9/11 Lester Caine <les...@lsces.co.uk>

> Arvids Godjuks wrote:
>> P.S. While I was writing this, 4 people posted. Only Patrick Schaaf posted
>> usefull information. If this would be a forum - those 3 posts should be
>> marked as off topic and hidden by default.
> But who decides what is off topic.
> There are genuine disagreements as to how PHP should move forward, if
> someone has control of the communication channel they can influence what is
> seen.
> I agree with the general sentiment of what is being said, but I recall
> Rasmus saying he just wanted stability. I just want to get back to a system
> I can use ...

Well, I have to answer that, don't I? :)

As I see it, there never is a single moderator - it is usually a team. And
posts are never truly deleted, so if someone has done something bad, it can
be verified and action can be taken.
Off topic is when the content of the message does not relate to the initial
theme of the thread. I usually just go with my gut on these things - you
have to stop the derailment at some point, or you can be forced to clean up
quite a lot. Many times just a reminder to stay on track from the moderator
does the trick - you leave the messages where they are in that case and no
one is hurt.

It's not black and white of course, depends on the situation.

We all want stability, I for once want it badly, because I saw how decent
RFC's and proposals were just shredded to pieces and people just gone "f**c
it, i'm out". We need a filter. That is what i'm proposing.

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