On 30 September 2014 20:31, Sharon Levy <iam4webw...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> If more users were educated about PHP's internals, then there could be more 
> substantive discussions between Userland and core contributors, including 
> better ideas originating from Userland. More users might even consider 
> becoming core contributors.  It would change the status quo.

It's up to you to educate yourself. You don't have to be amazing, you
just have to be willing.

Uncomfortable with C? Get out of your comfort zone. If you've done PHP
for more than a couple of years you have more than enough background
to kick start yourself. Please don't take this as some condescending
statement, take a few hours, dive in, change something small, get it
working and get a sense of achievement from it. Come and join that
chat on IRC or Stack Overflow, there are numerous people who _want to
help_ you get better at this.

Being even slightly familiar with the internals is a _huge_ advantage
when it comes to discussing and voting on core language changes. I'm
sure you can appreciate the difference between a vote for "ooh shiny,
do want" and "crap this will break everything". Makes sense for the
people voting to have some sort of understanding beyond the
superficial right?

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