Am 05.10.2014 um 00:10 schrieb Kris Craig <>:

> On Oct 4, 2014 11:24 AM, "Thomas Gossmann" <> wrote:
>> Thanks Johannes, I slipped over it but would have never found the
> discussion to it.
>> I run over it and the summary is: Many people like it and those that
> don't have brought arguments, that are present here again. The discussion
> is almost 4 years old by now, and people are complaining over things
> getting implemented in php back in time, which are now implemented and
> turned out to be ok - I expect the same to happen with this idea.
>> Main contra argument is, people are not able to grep for 'function *'
> anymore, which I guess is a minority of people and they can write
> themselves a shell-script which makes it possible to search for functions
> again, so not a big deal. However, the more important statement behind this
> is, who is the more important crowd of people that are targeted with
> changes like these? Primary or secondary consumers?
>> ... but see my other mail, which conatains answers.
>> Though, I have one question left regarding the old rfc? Why it has been
> gone inactive and basically slept since then?
>> Thanks
>> Thomas Gossmann
>> Am 04.10.14 um 19:44 schrieb Johannes Schlüter:
>>> On Fri, 2014-10-03 at 18:21 +0200, Thomas Gossmann wrote:
>>>> I guess this was a discussion earlier, though I wasn't able to find
>>>> anything about it. Would love to hear, what pdt-internals (re-)think
>>>> about that topic.
>>> Go to look at the titles containing "function" and you
>>> will see "Make T_FUNCTION in method declarations optional" which was
>>> added by me.
>>> Since proposing I was convinced this wasn't good. Please bring new
>>> arguments. Discussion was in this thread
>>> (another viewer might be better
>>> to find the ~64 followups)
>>> johannes
>> --
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> Summary thus far:
> Pro:  Eliminating the function keyword is good because coding ===
> sculpting; "perfection" occurs when there's nothing left to remove.
- The function keyword does not comply to the fact that its used on class 
- It’s a duplicate, when the parantheses already indicate a „function“.

> Con:  It's completely unnecessary and would make it prohibitively difficult
> to consistently locate subroutine declarations in a codebase.
- People can no longer use a simple grep command to pick up functions.
- IDE’s will have to adapt to a longer search pattern.

> I believe the cons vastly outweigh the pros in this case.  The function
> keyword is a very good example of PHP's KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid)
> philosophy.
> But if you're serious about this, draft an RFC and we'll vote on it.  If
> 2/3 support your idea, it'll pass.
> --Kris

Sorry, but if you summarize arguments, it’d be only fair to read back and 
actually name as many as possible.

Not everybody can vote though, sadly. I still wish there was a way for non-devs 
to have a voice on feature votes.

Kind regards, Ingwie.
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