On 04/10/2014 17:10, Thomas Gossmann wrote:
Hence, for php-beginners, this example of a simple class is a good start, which can also be used educating them in OOP by adding the more advanced parts - instead of letting them write function when this actually is a method (In my eyes, education failed here).

I'm not sure there is really as clear-cut a distinction as you imply here, such that the word function is "wrong" when used for a method.

PHP has 4 different types of "sub-routines" (unless I've forgotten one):
- global "functions", which needn't return anything, so encompass what some languages call "procedures" - object/instance "methods", which are "virtual" (polymorphic), inheritable and overridable subroutines called on an instance, with the magic variable $this defined - "static methods", which have the same inheritance and overriding semantics as methods, and have access to private and protected members of the class, but do not require an instance, and do not define $this - "anonymous functions", or "closures", which are actually a complete object encapsulating both code and state

Different languages call these concepts, and other variations on the same themes, by various names. In PHP, they are all introduced by the keyword "function", which indicates "here begins a sub-routine declaration".

Rowan Collins

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