On Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 02:30:28PM +0100, Nikita Popov wrote:

> Please take a look at the WordPress version statistics:
> https://wordpress.org/about/stats/
> According to these statistics 72% of the WordPress installations are
> running on either PHP 5.2 or PHP 5.3. This means that they do not benefit
> from the quite substantial performance and memory usage improvements that
> went into PHP 5.4. So, if people aren't willing to upgrade from PHP 5.2/5.3
> to PHP 5.4, I don't see how they'd be more interested in PHP 7.

I am running PHP 5.3.3 on my servers. Why ?

Summary: running newer versions is a lot of effort.

I run CentOS 6 so I run the PHP that is packaged for it. While it might be nice
to have PHP 5.6 it would involve me in a lot of work (compile from source) and I
would need to do that with each new release/patch. As it is I just go 'yum
update' and security fixes, ..., are all installed - easy peasy.

If I were to upgrade to CentOS 7 (a lot of work - but it is what I put on new 
ones) I
would have PHP 5.4.

The RedHat support term is 10 years and will still be in common use until 2020.
I like that - putting a server together can be a lot of work; it can do a lot
more than just run PHP.

If PHP 5.<latest> were available in EPEL[**] I would look to upgrade to a more
modern PHP.  EPEL would make use much easier. It will not happen without someone
putting the work in ... and it is much more than just compiling the tar ball,
there must be patching and testing in the enterprise environment.

[**] A place where other RedHat packages live, sometimes more modern versions of
packages in the base distribution.

> And, as already mentioned, WP already supports mysqli since version 3.9, so
> people who want to use PHP 7 can do so with a reasonably current version of
> WP.
> But anyway, I get that not everyone agrees with removing ext/mysql - that's
> why we're having votes on this kind of stuff ;)
> Nikita

Alain Williams
Linux/GNU Consultant - Mail systems, Web sites, Networking, Programmer, IT 
+44 (0) 787 668 0256  http://www.phcomp.co.uk/
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