"Kristopher" wrote in message news:CAF9U7z-bkYRDwAL8CA4_=1dhorl0evp_mzwf6qwqscwdf7n...@mail.gmail.com...

On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 8:26 AM, Tony Marston <tonymars...@hotmail.com>

@tony: What's really interesting is that all this time you've spent arguing
could have been used to update your code and make this no longer an issue
for you.

You are totally missing the point. It is the principle of having to spent unknown quantities of time in refactoring my code for nothing more than a frivolous and unnecessary break in BC. It does not fi a bug or a security issue, therefore it is frivolous and unnecessary

@everyone: Would an RFC be necessary to update the PHP manual to actually
recommend the PHP 5 constructors and recommend against using the PHP 4
style constructors, using very explicit language? If not, should this
change be made, regardless of the outcome of the RFC to remove PHP 4

You cannot remove anything from the language until after it has been marked a deprecated, and the simple fact is that PHP 4 constructors have NEVER been marked as deprecated. I have used every PHP 5 release up to and including the latest (5.6..4) with error_reporting set to E_ALL and all my code has run without producing any error messages.

Tony Marston

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