On Feb 22, 2015 9:25 PM, "Nikita Popov" <nikita....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 4:13 PM, Dmitry Stogov <dmi...@zend.com> wrote:
>> Hi Nikita,
>> I refactored your implementation:
>> I introduced a class hierarchy to minimize effect on existing code.
>> cacth (Exception $e) won't catch new types of exceptions.
>> BaseException (abstarct)
>>  +- EngineException
>>  +- ParaseException
>>  +- Exception
>>      +-ErrorException
>>      +- all other exceptions
>> In case of uncaught Parse and EngineEexception PHP writes the compatible
error message.
>> I made it mainly to keep thousand PHPT tests unchanged.
>> If you like we may introduce an ini option that will lead to emitting of
"Uncaught Exception ... " with backtrace instead.
>> The internal API was changed a bit. e.g. EngineException are thrown from
zend_error(), if the error_code has E_EXCEPTION bit set.
>> So to change some error into exception now we should change
zend_error(E_ERROR,...) into zend_error(E_EXCEPTION|E_ERROR. ...)
>> All tests are passed.
>> I'm not sure about sapi/cli/tests/bug43177.phpt, because it started to
fail also in master.
>> We may need to replace E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR with E_ERROR and fix
corresponding tests.
>> Despite of this, I think the patch is good enough to be merged into
>> We may decide to convert more fatal errors later, but it shouldn't
prevent from putting RFC into vote.
>> Thoughts?
> I've updated some minor points in the RFC to be consistent with the new
patch. The BaseException based hierarchy will be a separate vote [1]. If
there are no further concerns I'd start voting on this RFC tomorrow.

Yeah, please do. You may also note, that currently we kept "Recoverable
Fatal Error" messages for some errors, that are not recoverable any more.
The error mesages and tests should be changed later. They kept unchanged to
make difference between important engine changes and obivious renaming.

> One point wrt the patch: Do you think it would be hard to use a clean
shutdown on uncaught exceptions? This would make sure we don't forget to
free anything when throwing exceptions.

Good, point. I think it shoul work near out of the box.

Thanks. Dmitry.

> Nikita
> [1]: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/engine_exceptions_for_php7#hierarchy

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