Pedro Cordeiro wrote on 25/11/2015 17:04:

2015-11-25 14:53 GMT-02:00 Rowan Collins < <>>:

    If it helps, just think of /** ... */ as not being a comment, but
    already a first-class piece of syntax.

Except that it won't parse some stuff while parsing some other stuff. There was a topic on reddit some time ago with a rant I wrote about it, and the community seemed to support the notion that comment annotations are bad:

A very quick response to that rant:

> 1) Some php bytecode compilers (for example, facebook's hiphop) will strip your comments. STRIPPING COMMENTS SHOULD NEVER BREAK YOUR APP.

So, let's make sure we treat these as first-class entities not comments, and mention it in the language standard (drafted by Facebook, so that they can make HHVM maximally conformant) that these MUST NOT be stripped by compilers or pre-processors.

> 2) No IDE hints, no IDE syntax checking because, you know, THEY ARE COMMENTS. If you think I should download a specific IDE plugin to work with Doctrine and another one to work with Symfony and yet another one to work in your specific project with your custom annotations, you can go F@#$ yourself.

Total strawman: IDEs parse all sorts of information out of docblocks. They may not parse annotations *because they're not standardised*, but if there were a PSR defining them, I bet the plugin for parsing that syntax would soon be bundled with any IDE with decent PHP support.

> 3) Coupling, separation of concerns, encapsulation: having @Route("/something") in a controller class is AWFUL.

This appears to be a rant about annotations in general, not the syntax used for them.

> 4) Dude, what does "@ManyToMany" do? Oh, ok, and what does "@param" do...? HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO TELL SOMEONE "oh, this part over here is metadata, but this one is just a comment"? How do I distinguish between the two of them?

Well, no, they're both metadata, just with different targets - @param is targeted at IDEs and documentation generators, @ManyToMany is targeted at a run-time hook, or maybe a code-generation one, or, well, anything that wants metadata about something.

I'll stop there, because you probably already had this discussion at the time, but since you linked...

Rowan Collins

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