Pedro Cordeiro wrote on 25/11/2015 11:04:
I'd really like to see something outside the docblock. Comment annotations are a workaround for the lack of native annotations.

This is true, but they are now a very widely used workaround, and any native support for them could be polyfilled using the kind of userland libraries that already exist.

It makes the environment hard to learn ("What does @param do? And what does @ManyToMany do?")

I'm not sure how this is made any easier by moving the annotations out of the docblock. I suppose it's a little confusing that, within the docblock, code annotations and documentation annotations share the same syntax; maybe we could use a different prefix, like "@@" instead of "@"? This would also give a chance for projects to transition to the new standard syntax, rather than having to break compatibility if their old implementation doesn't quite match.

it makes it impossible for IDEs to hint/autocomplete without project-specific plugins

That's a good argument for standardisation, but doesn't require moving out of the docblock; in fact, it doesn't even require any action from this list, as PHP-FIG could simply agree a PSR, and IDEs like PHPStorm would use that as an implementation guide.

and adds this odd notion that removing some comment blocks might break an app (which is just awful).

If it helps, just think of /** ... */ as not being a comment, but already a first-class piece of syntax. Note that the parser already thinks so - hence we can have functions like ReflectionMethod::getDocComment. IDEs also parse docblocks already, and most syntax highlighting editors can probably style them differently from comments so that you don't delete them by mistake.

Now, if annotations were being implemented as something brand new to PHP, like say Traits were, I'd agree that we should look to languages like Java and C# for syntax ideas. But since a lot of people have already invented annotations using docblocks, and since docblocks are already supported by the reflection classes, I'm not convinced of why we shouldn't just carry on down that route.

Rowan Collins

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