Hey, Rowan, don't apologize for making the case for what you believed to be
the right way. I'm glad I could summarize my views in a way that you could
agree with me.

I've reread your point about the transpilers and obfuscators, and you're
right, I misunderstood what you said. I'm sorry.

Now, I'd be willing to create a new RFC draft for a native annotation
syntax, targeted at 7.1, this time explaining the reasons NOT to do this in
docblocks nor in a seperate extension, so the discussion won't get
sidetracked again. I'd need some help with the patches, though, since I
don't have any experience with the internals.

There is still the issue of complexity added to the engine, which we could
discuss. I'd like to hear more from a long-term contributor about that, if
it's possible. Were there any performance implications on the previously
submitted patch?

Thank you everyone for the great discussion.

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