Yeah, I keep thinking about this.

I'm not sure there's a really good reason why PHP shouldn't come with
best-in-class image support, if it's available - which it sounds like it
is; libvips looks more modern, lower memory and CPU overhead, better
overall really, and appears to be stable and up-to-date?

Yeah, it has dependencies. Doesn't everything? Does it matter, as long as
they're bundled?

On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 3:30 AM, Kris Craig <> wrote:

> 2. Releasing Imagick with PHP means that the release cycles would need
> to be sync'ed. This has proven to be inconvenient in the past when an
> extension has wanted to change the api, but was forced to wait due to
> needed to wait for the next minor/major version of PHP.
> Why would they need to be synced?  When PHP releases a new version, can't
> we just bundle the latest Imagick build and plug into that?
> Sure, having them in sync would yield certain benefits, but none of them
> appear to be deal-breakers to me.  Or am I just missing something?
> --Kris

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