On 31 August 2017 at 02:30, Kris Craig <kris.cr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Why would they need to be synced?

Currently Imagick can have a single branch. Commits to that branch are
made and then for the next release, we can determine if it needs to be
a major minor or patch release based on the changes.

People are then free to upgrade to the next version of Imagick at
their own leisure. Or not if they don't feel like it.

If it was shipped as part of PHP it would need to have:

One branch for each version of PHP supported. Which for now is 5.6,
7.0, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.next

Each commit to Imagick would need to be evaluated for whether it
should be brought to those branches.

Additionally we would probably need to have an additional branch for
BC breaking stuff to do in, to await PHP 8.

Not only would this be a maintenance burden for the developers, it
would also be an arse for end-users.

"Oh, you want to upgrade to PHP 7.3? Then you also need to upgrade
Imagick, even though you'd prefer to keep to the current version, as
it works fine for you."

"Oh, you want the new version of Imagick that has a BC breaking change
in it? Well sorry, you'll need to wait for PHP 8 for that."


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