On Wed, 20 Sep 2017, Nikita Popov wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 6:32 AM, Sara Golemon <poll...@php.net> wrote:
> > I was planning to update the RFC, but wiki.php.net is having issues
> > atm and isn't coming back up with basic coaxing, so I'll just start
> > discussion informally, and the RFC can be updates later.


> > Non-Goal: I didn't include support for base function names (e.g.
> > `"hello" |> strtoupper`) because of the conflict with constants.
> > Using a constant to store your function name is totes legit and
> > consistent with language syntax.
> >
> > Future Scope: Short Lambdas `$x => $x + 1` and Partial Functions
> > `someFunc('fixed val1', ..., 'fixed val2')`  would help make this
> > functionality more useful and are worth discussing as a sub-thread,
> > but are not required to be implemented at the same time.
> >
> I think this feature makes very little sense if it's not introduced
> together with a way of making partial application much more ergonomic than
> it is now.

What do you mean here by "partial application"?


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