
> After discussion with Levi and others who suggested a simpler
> approach, I'd like to offer
> https://github.com/php/php-src/compare/master...sgolemon:pipe2 as an
> alternate possibility.

I am still feeling it is a bit weird to do things that way, but other
than that (which is just my personal issue) I do not see any problems in
this proposal. With magic weird $$ thing gone, it seems to be
straightforward and mostly intuitive. So while I am not feeling this is
a must, I think it may be nice to have it.

It'd be also nice then if we could have some syntax that allowed us to
refer to functions/methods as callables - mostly for the benefit of the
code readers and IDEs. I.e. you can do "hello" |> "strtoupper" and it's
fine but it is not at all intuitive what you're doing sending one string
into another. Same with "hello" |> [$this, 'bar']. Now, if we could do
something like this:
"hello" |> &{strtoupper}
"hello" |> &{$this->bar}

(yes I know the syntax is ugly, I hope you get the idea though to have a
syntax for this) then you could have better readability, easier IDE
autocompletion and other benefits. Not for this RFC, clearly, but just
putting it out there so I don't forget.

Stas Malyshev

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