On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 5:13 PM, Stanislav Malyshev <smalys...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It'd be also nice then if we could have some syntax that allowed us to
> refer to functions/methods as callables - mostly for the benefit of the
> code readers and IDEs. I.e. you can do "hello" |> "strtoupper" and it's
> fine but it is not at all intuitive what you're doing sending one string
> into another. Same with "hello" |> [$this, 'bar']. Now, if we could do
> something like this:
> "hello" |> &{strtoupper}
> "hello" |> &{$this->bar}
Super-hacky implementation (that I wouldn't want to merge, but it
shows the syntax at work).

which provides a form of both short-closures and partial functions.

Combined with also-super-hacky pipe diff from earlier, you get:

$x = "Hello"
  |> &{strtoupper($0)}
  |> &{ $0 . "world" }
  |> &{strrev($0)};

// string(10) "dlrowOLLEH"


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