On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 11:02 AM Stephen Reay <php-li...@koalephant.com>

> > On 24 Apr 2019, at 21:35, Chase Peeler <chasepee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > If I get started now, maybe I can have everything fixed by the time 8.1
> is
> > released.
> Two characters less than this sentence of yours is a 1-liner find/sed
> script to replace all `<? ` with `<?php `.

Would you really feel confident doing a blind find/replace on 6,000+

what about <?if ... `<? ` wouldn't match that. I have instances of that in
my code, though.

What if I utilize a 3rd party library that, while no longer support, works
fine, but is now broken for no other reason than the fact that <? is no
longer supported? Whether I should be using that library or not is
irrelevant. The fact is, I am, and the fact that I won't be able to use it
in 8.0 is a barrier to me upgrading.

I don't trust mass find/replace tools like php-cs-fixer. Some of our legacy
code is really ugly. Auto-formatting with PhpStorm will break it. I don't
mind using an interactive tool, but that means I have to sit there and hit
Y or N for 6,787 instances. Some of them will probably require me to
actually open the file up and check out the surrounding context as well.
And, what happens if I miss one? I run the risk of code leak.

I think it's great that many of you have code bases that are in pretty good
shape and this change isn't going to have much of an impact on you. That's
not my case, though. It's not the case for a LOT of people. I'm not against
BC breaks - even major ones - if they are justified. I have yet to see any
good justifications for such a massive BC break.

The fact is that this change WILL prevent a lot of people from being able
to upgrade to 8.0 in a timely manner. Anyone that has to justify spending
time to prepare for an upgrade to people that don't understand the benefits
of the upgrade will have an ever harder time trying to justify the extra
time necessary. I also think you are going to find a good number of people
that will upgrade (or use PHP for the first time) unaware of the change.
They'll attempt to load older code that has short tags in it. It won't
work. They'll say "screw it" and use python or node.
Chase Peeler

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