On Sun, Apr 28, 2019 at 10:02 AM Zeev Suraski <z...@php.net> wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 9:08 PM Reinis Rozitis <r...@roze.lv> wrote:
> > Also  imo the reason why people write now (and not in the discussion
> > phase) because for some time in the voting there wasn't the 2/3 majority
> > for the 7.4 (so no sense to clutter the list) and now in the end only 1-2
> > votes make the difference.
> >
> >
> At least for me, this definitely was the case.  When I voted, it was
> nowhere near clearing the 2/3 threshold.
> As I said numerous times in the past, I'm a firm believer that
> controversial RFCs (ones that generate a lot of votes with a substantial
> number of opposers) should not pass.  I think this is important when adding
> features - but it's actually a lot more important with deprecations.  When
> there's substantial doubt whether a deprecation should go through or not,
> there should be no doubt at all - it shouldn't.  This is one of the
> clearest cases if not the clearest one we've had to date.

Keep in mind that for example the FFI RFC passed with something like 60%
majority, even lower than this RFC. I think you're cherry-picking a bit
here, when it comes to what should and shouldn't pass ;)

Process wise we're in a bit of an unchartered territory here, but I don't
> think we should let the headache involved with figuring out how to reverse
> this decision force us to impose this on our users.  It's better to go
> through this unpleasantry now than deal with the backlash later.

I think that process-wise (if we can't agree on landing some variation of
this, as I've suggested in a separate thread) the right thing to do would
be to draft a new RFC that overrules this one. It can lay out the new
arguments that have come up in the meantime in an orderly manner and be
voted separately.


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