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Es un paquet de utilitaris per a accedir a particions ext2, ext3 i ReiserFS des de DOS o Windows. Funciona en línia d'ordres i te algun mòdul en java.

   * list Linux files and directories (command: ldir),
   * copy files from Linux to Windows and vice versa (commands: lread,
   * delete or rename Linux files (commands: ldel, lren),
   * create symbolic links (command: lln),
   * create new Linux directories (command: lmkdir),
   * modify a Linux file's access rights and owner (command: lchange),
   * change the Linux default directory (command: lcd),
   * set the Linux default drive (command: ldrive) and
   * show your harddisk partition setup (command: ldir -part).

starting configuration for ECIADSL-0.6 in 

checking make location... /usr/bin/make
checking make version... 3.80
checking gcc location... not found

the configure script has failed, one or more errors have occurred,
check configure.log and configure.tmp for further detail
I que hi diu en el configure.log i en el configure.tmp. Allà hi ha d'haver alguna resposta.



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