> Dan Davison schrieb am Di, 08. Jan 2008 um 23:18 (+0000):
> > - telling a browser to visit a URL contained in an email in mutt
> Check http://www.mutt.org/links.html for urlview

On *l'art pour l'art*,^1 example:

I use ELinks 99.99...% of the time. Since YEARS. And use Links a couple of
times a month ... when I really need/want to watch some graphics, say that I
want to have some fun and wish to witness a close up of Hugo Chavez when he
tells to Condi: --"don't mess with me, chica."-- :)

This to make clear that I am COMFORTABLE enough [I believe and hope] with a
text-mode browser, ELinks.

And here is the example. I am just building the last sysstat [it could be
anything else], version 8.0.4 [2008-01-06], whose source I have downloaded a
couple of days ago.

sysstat comes without asc- or sig-files ... on the other hand, the md5sums are
published--which is better than nothing.

Good, I have waited one-two-three days, have not read monster-/terror-stories
on sysstat in the interval, hence I go: I check the md5sum on *term, copy
the result, type '/' in ELinks, paste the checksum into the field just below
"Search for text," type enter ... thankfully there is a match.

I could imagine more or less laborious and industrious ways to do the same
without using the mouse. But why do so ... for "art's sake"?

ELinks works VERY WELL with the mouse. Which is a blessing--e.g., by using the
mouse one doesn't need to repeatedly press the arrows '^' and 'v' [whatever],
or to do searches for reaching a given entry/field.

Ditto, of course, with Mutt: copy and paste ... via selection of the
respective displays, *c'est tout*.

One of the MANY advantages of Ion is that one can have many windows open
contemporaneously without having the screen messed up; *maybe* there is an
ELinks running already, somewhere ... while ELinks supports PERFECTLY tabbing
as Ion does: just type 't'.



     1. "Art for art's sake" is the usual English rendition of a French
slogan, from the early 19th century, ''l'art pour l'art'', and expresses
a philosophy that the intrinsic value of art, and the only "true" art, is
divorced from any didactic, moral or utilitarian function.

SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS  jadilah kumbang, hidup sekali di taman bunga,
SSSSS . s l a c k w a r e  SSSSSS  jangan jadi lalat, hidup sekali di bukit 
SSSSS +------------ linux  SSSSSS  be a bee, lived once in a flowery garden,
SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS  not a fly, lived once in heaps of garbage

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