On 2008-02-07, Roy Lanek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 2002-02-07 - Last release of Ion1 (it never had ds/rc/stable) 
>> 2004-02-07 - First "stable" release of Ion2
>> 2008-02-07 - First "stable" release of Ion3
>> 2016-02-07 - ?  
> Well-well, Euler aside it's entertaining to see that this stable release of
> Ion occurs simultaneously with the begin of the year of the ... rat [mouse] :)

Other coincidences include the death of one empire and the birth of
another <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/February_7>

1990-02-07 - Collapse of the Soviet Union: The Central Committee of the Soviet
             Communist Party agrees to give up its monopoly on power.

1992-02-07 - The Maastricht Treaty is signed, leading to the creation of the
             European Union.


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