On 2008-02-07, Samuel Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I say we start with Plan 9 From Bell Labs and work from there.

They have some useful ideas, but the system stinks too much
of obsolete and unix... and rats.

Everything's a file... great, but could we move past text files
with a proprietary syntax, and having to parse them with quick
and dirty hacks? How about a more efficient standard structural
_binary_ format? For all the pipes too? And the shell, kind of 
like Microsoft PowerShell, but better? (Instead of piping objects
with a display routine among other things, piping structural data
with specified stylesheet for display kind of like XML files, but
without the inefficient text encoding of XML.)

As for the kernel... how about an exokernel? (Or at least what
I've understood it to be: basically the kernel provides only 
memory management, with disk pages handled analoguously like 
memory pages, abstracting away the actual devices. Even a lot
of the memory management is on user-side, with the kernel just
verifying claims, or so.) As for security, how about an object
capability system (see: EROS, Coytos, CapROS) in user space 
outside the exokernel? 

And the user interface beyond the command line? Vis. 

And so on. I have and there must be more ideas along similar 
lines, and if one really started spending time thinking about 
it and unifying them, one might be able to come up with a 
very nice, clean and flexible design, intead of a random 


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