> >> 2002-02-07 - Last release of Ion1 (it never had ds/rc/stable) 
> >> 2004-02-07 - First "stable" release of Ion2
> >> 2008-02-07 - First "stable" release of Ion3
> >> 2016-02-07 - ?  
> >
> > Well-well, Euler aside it's entertaining to see that this stable release of
> > Ion occurs simultaneously with the begin of the year of the ... rat [mouse] 
> > :)
> Other coincidences include the death of one empire and the birth of
> another <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/February_7>
> 1990-02-07 - Collapse of the Soviet Union: The Central Committee of the Soviet
>              Communist Party agrees to give up its monopoly on power.
> 1992-02-07 - The Maastricht Treaty is signed, leading to the creation of the
>              European Union.

It's not the same kind of coincidences. The Chinese new year doesn't occur at
the same date modulo one year ... examples:

     Chinese new year dates                                        
     2005 - Feb. 9                                                 
     2006 - Jan. 29                                                
     2007 - Feb. 18                                                
     2008 - Feb. 7                                                 
     2009 - Jan. 26                                                
     2010 - Feb. 14                                                
     2011 - Feb. 3                                                 
     2012 - Jan. 23

while on both 1990-02-07 and 1992-02-07 there was no Ion yet.

By the way, to use wikipedia.org on geopolitics in general, and on the former
Soviet Union in particular, is like to use the Vatican as reference for
telling on ...?! the 'position of the lotus'; Microsoft on Ion; and Wander
[Switzerland] of the chocolate beverage Ovomaltine on the Russian vodka

Moreover: good luck--but hey: good riddance--to call the *creation* of the EU
[perhaps incorporated Europe?] the "birth of an empire."


SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS   anjing menggonggong, kafilah tetap berlalu
SSSSS . s l a c k w a r e  SSSSSS   the dogs are barking, the caravan moves on
SSSSS +------------ linux  SSSSSS   [illustrates useless protest, critic, or

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