2008/2/7, Tuomo Valkonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> They have some useful ideas, but the system stinks too much
> of obsolete and unix... and rats.

The stench most of us live in. But very true.

> Everything's a file... great, but could we move past text files
> with a proprietary syntax, and having to parse them with quick
> and dirty hacks? How about a more efficient standard structural
> _binary_ format? For all the pipes too? And the shell, kind of
> like Microsoft PowerShell, but better? (Instead of piping objects
> with a display routine among other things, piping structural data
> with specified stylesheet for display kind of like XML files, but
> without the inefficient text encoding of XML.)

A very interesting idea.. Can't say I've touched powershell. I think
idea of a XML like stylesheet for output is a good one. I'd be very
interesting to see this shell.

> As for the kernel... how about an exokernel? (Or at least what
> I've understood it to be: basically the kernel provides only
> memory management, with disk pages handled analoguously like
> memory pages, abstracting away the actual devices. Even a lot
> of the memory management is on user-side, with the kernel just
> verifying claims, or so.) As for security, how about an object
> capability system (see: EROS, Coytos, CapROS) in user space
> outside the exokernel?

What about the other kernel tasks? Just handled by other processes in
userspace? That'd be very interesting and very cool. Abstraction is
very very good. I wouldn't imagine writing an OS that wouldn't include
device abstraction (for drives, at the very least).

> And the user interface beyond the command line? Vis.

Of course we'd probably need much better user input devices. Something
like a dataglove would be fantastic.

> And so on. I have and there must be more ideas along similar
> lines, and if one really started spending time thinking about
> it and unifying them, one might be able to come up with a
> very nice, clean and flexible design, intead of a random
> clusterfuck.

Well, you can't NOT have a random clusterfuck with most OSS shit. (/me
points at PHP).  Not that I don't like OSS, actually, but still.

Samuel 'Shardz' Baldwin
Shardz's Igloo: shardz.homelinux.net // Down at the moment
Registered GNU/Linux User #410639

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